An open API service providing a high level summary for open source projects.
2fa android authy e2ee encryption end-to-end-encryption flutter golang google-photos google-photos-alternative ios opensource photos privacy privacy-tools typescript zero-knowledge
Score: -Infinity
Last synced: 2 days ago
JSON representation
Repository metadata:
Fully open source, End to End Encrypted alternative to Google Photos and Apple Photos
- Host: GitHub
- URL:
- Owner: ente-io
- License: agpl-3.0
- Created: 2022-11-01T06:10:25.000Z (over 2 years ago)
- Default Branch: main
- Last Pushed: 2024-10-29T07:45:26.000Z (4 months ago)
- Last Synced: 2024-10-29T09:06:06.032Z (4 months ago)
- Topics: 2fa, android, authy, e2ee, encryption, end-to-end-encryption, flutter, golang, google-photos, google-photos-alternative, ios, opensource, photos, privacy, privacy-tools, typescript, zero-knowledge
- Language: Dart
- Homepage:
- Size: 497 MB
- Stars: 15,597
- Watchers: 40
- Forks: 807
- Open Issues: 250
Metadata Files:
- Readme:
- Contributing:
- Funding: .github/FUNDING.yml
- License: LICENSE
- Code of conduct:
- Security:
- Support:
- Github: ente-io
Owner metadata:
- Name: ente
- Login: ente-io
- Email: [email protected]
- Kind: organization
- Description: Simple, encrypted photo storage.
- Website:
- Location:
- Twitter: enteio
- Company:
- Icon url:
- Repositories: 14
- Last Synced at: 2023-03-03T19:30:55.731Z
- Profile URL:
Committers metadata
Last synced: 5 days ago
Total Commits: 31,363
Total Committers: 170
Avg Commits per committer: 184.488
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.754
Commits in past year: 12,260
Committers in past year: 133
Avg Commits per committer in past year: 92.18
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in past year: 0.425
Name | Commits | |
Abhinav | a****d@g****m | 7718 |
Manav Rathi | m****v@m****o | 7156 |
Neeraj Gupta | 2****1 | 5385 |
ashilkn | a****9@g****m | 3130 |
vishnukvmd | v****u@e****o | 3083 |
Vishnu Mohandas | v****s@g****m | 1053 |
laurenspriem | g****s@a****m | 887 |
Crowdin Bot | s****t@c****m | 491 |
Prateek Sunal | p****l@g****m | 452 |
Rushikesh Tote | r****e@g****m | 264 |
Aman Raj Singh Mourya | a****7@g****m | 252 |
httpjamesm | g****b@h****e | 247 |
Shailesh Pandit | s****t@g****m | 152 |
Pushkar Anand | p****3@g****m | 144 |
jubitjohn | j****1@g****m | 113 |
Ananddubey01 | k****9@g****m | 109 |
mngshm | m****x@t****m | 76 |
Muhammed Ayimen | a****3@g****m | 56 |
github-actions[bot] | 4****] | 50 |
dependabot[bot] | 4****] | 36 |
Tanguy | 9****t | 31 |
atyabbin | a****n@g****m | 28 |
Sven | g****w@s****o | 22 |
Jishnuraj9 | 1****9 | 21 |
Muhesh7 | v****7@g****m | 19 |
Tanguy | e****t@g****m | 18 |
Jam | 1****s | 16 |
green | 4****v | 15 |
Vishal | v****s@g****m | 14 |
0nullpointer | n****l@e****o | 11 |
and 140 more... |
Issue and Pull Request metadata
Last synced: 3 days ago
Total issues: 472
Total pull requests: 1,102
Average time to close issues: 2 months
Average time to close pull requests: about 18 hours
Total issue authors: 310
Total pull request authors: 87
Average comments per issue: 2.54
Average comments per pull request: 0.21
Merged pull request: 1,041
Bot issues: 0
Bot pull requests: 118
Past year issues: 423
Past year pull requests: 1,027
Past year average time to close issues: about 1 month
Past year average time to close pull requests: about 16 hours
Past year issue authors: 283
Past year pull request authors: 85
Past year average comments per issue: 2.31
Past year average comments per pull request: 0.2
Past year merged pull request: 969
Past year bot issues: 0
Past year bot pull requests: 108
Top Issue Authors
- Trekky12 (9)
- universish (7)
- StefanOltmann (6)
- Eternal9100 (6)
- vishnukvmd (6)
- sneak (5)
- tur1ngb0x (5)
- garyp (4)
- LivioZ (4)
- nktnet1 (4)
- ghost (4)
- Sharpienero (4)
- brog-io (4)
- rafaelazvdo (3)
- BionicBison05 (3)
Top Pull Request Authors
- mnvr (348)
- ua741 (248)
- github-actions[bot] (118)
- ashilkn (74)
- AmanRajSinghMourya (46)
- laurenspriem (45)
- vishnukvmd (34)
- mngshm (25)
- prateekmedia (15)
- simondubrulle (9)
- tobiasge (5)
- Trekky12 (5)
- Bl4ckspell7 (5)
- kishan-dhankecha (4)
- alanmoyano (4)
Top Issue Labels
- - auth (188)
- triage (133)
- --desktop (100)
- - photos (77)
- --mobile (53)
- --web (23)
- help wanted (6)
- --cli (6)
- needs more info (5)
- good first issue (3)
- website (2)
- duplicate (2)
- --server (1)
- self-hosting (1)
- --flatpak (1)
Top Pull Request Labels
Package metadata
- Total packages: 1
- Total downloads: unknown
- Total dependent packages: 0
- Total dependent repositories: 0
- Total versions: 59
- Homepage:
- Documentation:
- Licenses: agpl-3.0
- Latest release: v2.0.34+incompatible (published about 1 year ago)
- Last Synced: 2025-02-11T09:08:13.020Z (3 days ago)
- Versions: 59
- Dependent Packages: 0
- Dependent Repositories: 0
- Dependent packages count: 8.591%
- Average: 9.14%
- Dependent repos count: 9.689%
- actions/checkout v2 composite
- actions/setup-java v2 composite
- actions/upload-artifact v2 composite
- ncipollo/release-action v1 composite
- subosito/flutter-action v2 composite
- timheuer/base64-to-file v1 composite
- DKImagePickerController 4.3.4
- DKPhotoGallery 0.0.17
- FMDB 2.7.5
- Flutter 1.0.0
- MTBBarcodeScanner 5.0.11
- OrderedSet 5.0.0
- Reachability 3.2
- SDWebImage 5.13.4
- Sentry 7.30.2
- SwiftyGif 5.4.3
- Toast 4.0.0
- connectivity 0.0.1
- device_info 0.0.1
- file_picker 0.0.1
- fk_user_agent 2.0.0
- flutter_email_sender 0.0.1
- flutter_inappwebview 0.0.1
- flutter_local_notifications 0.0.1
- flutter_native_splash 0.0.1
- flutter_secure_storage 3.3.1
- flutter_sodium 0.0.1
- fluttertoast 0.0.2
- local_auth 0.0.1
- move_to_background 0.0.1
- package_info_plus 0.4.5
- path_provider_ios 0.0.1
- qr_code_scanner 0.2.0
- sentry_flutter 0.0.1
- share_plus 0.0.1
- shared_preferences_ios 0.0.1
- sqflite 0.0.2
- url_launcher_ios 0.0.1
- FMDB 2.7.5
- FlutterMacOS 1.0.0
- Reachability 3.2
- connectivity_macos 0.0.1
- flutter_secure_storage_macos 3.3.1
- package_info_plus_macos 0.0.1
- path_provider_macos 0.0.1
- share_plus_macos 0.0.1
- shared_preferences_macos 0.0.1
- sqflite 0.0.2
- url_launcher_macos 0.0.1
- 1.0.3 implementation
- 9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava implementation
- io.sentry:sentry-android 2.0.0 implementation
- org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 $kotlin_version implementation
- junit:junit 4.12 testImplementation
- 194 dependencies
- bloc_test ^9.0.3 development
- build_runner ^2.1.11 development
- flutter_test --- !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess sdk: flutter development
- json_serializable ^6.2.0 development
- lints ^1.0.1 development
- mocktail ^0.3.0 development
- adaptive_theme ^3.1.0
- bip39 ^1.0.6
- bloc ^8.0.3
- clipboard ^0.1.3
- collection
- computer ^2.0.0
- confetti ^0.7.0
- connectivity ^3.0.3
- cupertino_icons ^1.0.0
- device_info ^2.0.2
- dio ^4.0.6
- dotted_border ^2.0.0+2
- email_validator ^2.0.1
- event_bus ^2.0.0
- expandable ^5.0.1
- expansion_tile_card ^2.0.0
- file_picker ^4.6.1
- fk_user_agent ^2.1.0
- flutter --- !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess sdk: flutter
- flutter_animation_progress_bar ^2.2.1
- flutter_bloc ^8.0.1
- flutter_email_sender ^5.1.0
- flutter_inappwebview ^5.7.1
- flutter_launcher_icons ^0.9.3
- flutter_local_notifications ^12.0.3
- flutter_localizations --- !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess sdk: flutter
- flutter_native_splash ^2.2.13
- flutter_secure_storage ^6.0.0
- flutter_slidable ^2.0.0
- flutter_sodium ^0.2.0
- flutter_speed_dial ^6.2.0
- flutter_windowmanager ^0.2.0
- fluttertoast ^8.1.1
- google_nav_bar ^5.0.5
- http ^0.13.4
- intl ^0.17.0
- json_annotation ^4.5.0
- local_auth ^1.1.5
- logging ^1.0.1
- move_to_background ^1.0.2
- otp ^3.1.1
- package_info_plus ^1.0.1
- password_strength ^0.2.0
- path_provider ^2.0.11
- pinput ^1.2.2
- qr_code_scanner ^1.0.1
- sentry ^6.12.1
- sentry_flutter ^6.12.1
- share_plus ^4.4.0
- shared_preferences ^2.0.5
- sqflite ^2.1.0
- step_progress_indicator ^1.0.2
- url_launcher ^6.1.5
- uuid ^3.0.4
- actions/checkout v3 composite
- crowdin/github-action v1 composite
- v1.0.14
- v0.11.0
- v0.10.0
- v1.0.14
- v0.11.0
- v0.10.0