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Elixir Events Meetup Mobilizon activitypub decentralized federation
Score: 11.046116726621012
Last synced: 9 days ago
JSON representation
Repository metadata:
Gather, organize and mobilize yourselves with a convivial, ethical, and emancipating tool. Discuss at Join the forum:
- Host:
- URL:
- Owner: framasoft
- License: agpl-3.0
- Created: 2017-12-08T08:58:31.443Z (about 7 years ago)
- Default Branch: main
- Last Synced: 2024-12-15T15:04:58.862Z (13 days ago)
- Topics: Elixir, Events, Meetup, Mobilizon, activitypub, decentralized, federation
- Stars: 125
- Forks: 114
- Open Issues: 160
Owner metadata:
- Name: Framasoft
- Login: framasoft
- Email:
- Kind: organization
- Description:
- Website:
- Location:
- Twitter:
- Company:
- Icon url:
- Repositories: 173
- Last Synced at: 2023-03-10T12:20:42.664Z
- Profile URL:
Committers metadata
Last synced: 20 days ago
Total Commits: 4,829
Total Committers: 220
Avg Commits per committer: 21.95
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.403
Commits in past year: 271
Committers in past year: 26
Avg Commits per committer in past year: 10.423
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in past year: 0.624
Name | Commits | |
Thomas Citharel | t****t@t****r | 2884 |
Berto Te | a****a@3****m | 164 |
Thomas Citharel | t****l@f****g | 99 |
Quentin PAGÈS | q****n@f****r | 82 |
Jiri Podhorecky | j****y@g****m | 74 |
josé m | c****o@x****u | 74 |
Milo Ivir | m****l@m****e | 73 |
Massedil | m****g@m****m | 65 |
deadmorose | c****t@g****m | 56 |
Eivind Ødegård | e****d@s****o | 47 |
Chocobozzz | m****e@f****m | 45 |
Anonymous | n****y@w****g | 42 |
x | h****0@p****m | 40 |
setop | s****p@z****m | 36 |
dependabot-preview[bot] | 2****]@u****m | 36 |
fadelkon | f****n@p****t | 30 |
Taru Luojola | t****a@p****t | 30 |
GunChleoc | f****s@f****t | 30 |
Marcin Mikołajczak | m****e@m****l | 29 |
miffy | m****y@r****t | 28 |
Balázs Úr | b****s@u****u | 27 |
Kate | z****4@s****g | 27 |
Jakub Urbanowicz | t****x@p****l | 24 |
frama late | l****s@e****l | 22 |
Thebigal Wisi | a****i@p****e | 22 |
tech_exorcist | t****t@p****m | 19 |
TA | a****7@g****m | 17 |
Thomas Frenzel | t****e@m****g | 17 |
ButterflyOfFire | b****e@p****m | 16 |
diorama | d****a@r****t | 15 |
and 190 more... |
Issue and Pull Request metadata
Last synced: 9 days ago
- elixir ${VARIANT} build
- postgis/postgis latest
- elixir alpine build
- elixir latest build
- alpine latest build
- elixir 1.14-alpine build
- node 16-alpine build
- elixir latest build
- postgis/postgis latest
- @histoire/plugin-vue ^0.11.0 development
- @playwright/test ^1.25.1 development
- @rushstack/eslint-patch ^1.1.4 development
- @tailwindcss/forms ^0.5.2 development
- @tailwindcss/typography ^0.5.4 development
- @types/hammerjs ^2.0.41 development
- @types/leaflet ^1.5.2 development
- @types/leaflet.locatecontrol ^0.74 development
- @types/leaflet.markercluster ^1.5.1 development
- @types/lodash ^4.14.141 development
- @types/ngeohash ^0.6.2 development
- @types/phoenix ^1.5.2 development
- @types/sanitize-html ^2.5.0 development
- @vitejs/plugin-vue ^3.0.3 development
- @vitest/coverage-c8 ^0.25.2 development
- @vitest/ui ^0.25.2 development
- @vue/eslint-config-prettier ^7.0.0 development
- @vue/eslint-config-typescript ^11.0.0 development
- @vue/test-utils ^2.0.2 development
- eslint ^8.21.0 development
- eslint-config-prettier ^8.3.0 development
- eslint-plugin-import ^2.20.2 development
- eslint-plugin-prettier ^4.0.0 development
- eslint-plugin-vue ^9.3.0 development
- flush-promises ^1.0.2 development
- histoire ^0.11.0 development
- jsdom ^20.0.0 development
- mock-apollo-client ^1.1.0 development
- prettier ^2.2.1 development
- prettier-eslint ^15.0.1 development
- rollup-plugin-visualizer ^5.7.1 development
- sass ^1.34.1 development
- typescript ~4.8.3 development
- vite ^3.0.9 development
- vite-plugin-pwa ^0.13.0 development
- vitest ^0.25.2 development
- vue-i18n-extract ^2.0.4 development
- @absinthe/socket ^0.2.1
- @absinthe/socket-apollo-link ^0.2.1
- @apollo/client ^3.3.16
- @oruga-ui/oruga-next ^0.5.5
- @sentry/tracing ^7.1
- @sentry/vue ^7.1
- @tailwindcss/line-clamp ^0.4.0
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- @vueuse/core ^9.1.0
- @vueuse/head ^1.0
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- apollo-absinthe-upload-link ^1.5.0
- autoprefixer ^10
- blurhash ^2.0.0
- date-fns ^2.16.0
- date-fns-tz ^1.1.6
- floating-vue ^2.0.0-beta.17
- graphql ^15.8.0
- graphql-tag ^2.10.3
- hammerjs ^2.0.8
- intersection-observer ^0.12.0
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- leaflet ^1.4.0
- leaflet.locatecontrol ^0.78
- leaflet.markercluster ^1.5.3
- lodash ^4.17.11
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- p-debounce ^4.0.0
- phoenix ^1.6
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- vue-plausible ^1.3.1
- vue-router 4
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- vue-use-route-query ^1.1.0
- zhyswan-vuedraggable ^4.1.3
- 936 dependencies