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Events activitypub agenda
Score: 13.513545636173856
Last synced: 8 days ago
JSON representation
Repository metadata:
a shared agenda for local communities (with activitypub support)
- Host:
- URL:
- Owner: les
- License: agpl-3.0
- Created: 2019-08-07T16:22:06.793Z (over 5 years ago)
- Default Branch: master
- Last Synced: 2024-10-29T22:32:18.467Z (about 2 months ago)
- Topics: Events, activitypub, agenda
- Stars: 37
- Forks: 40
- Open Issues: 94
Committers metadata
Last synced: 22 days ago
Total Commits: 3,119
Total Committers: 83
Avg Commits per committer: 37.578
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.162
Commits in past year: 547
Committers in past year: 40
Avg Commits per committer in past year: 13.675
Development Distribution Score (DDS) in past year: 0.258
Name | Commits | |
lesion | l****n@a****g | 2613 |
sedum | s****m@o****g | 54 |
fadelkon | f****n@p****t | 31 |
josé m | c****m@d****g | 30 |
Weblate Admin | e****i@c****g | 27 |
gallegonovato | f****o@h****s | 25 |
Renne Rocha | r****e@r****r | 23 |
Weblate | n****y@w****g | 23 |
Nathan | b****n@g****m | 18 |
Txopi | t****i@i****s | 17 |
kuba | k****a@l****r | 13 |
Allan Nordhøy | e****t@a****o | 12 |
Atakan Dulker | a****r@g****m | 11 |
drunkod | d****d@g****m | 10 |
Xosé M | x****m@d****g | 9 |
Albatroz Jeremias | a****s@d****g | 8 |
marcin mikołajczak | m****e@m****l | 8 |
Eryk Michalak | g****m@p****m | 7 |
J. Lavoie | j****e@n****a | 7 |
La Kelo Gaztetxea | i****k@l****t | 7 |
Weblate Admin | a****n@e****m | 7 |
joenepraat | j****t@p****g | 7 |
Arg Adenn | a****n@k****g | 6 |
Nacho | n****o@n****m | 6 |
Stephan Schildberg | s****g@s****e | 6 |
Alexandru-Ionut Chiuta | c****a@g****m | 5 |
Artur Mancha | j****r@n****m | 5 |
Ivan M | i****h@g****m | 5 |
ssantos | s****s@w****e | 5 |
Aeron R | 9****y@u****g | 4 |
and 53 more... |
Issue and Pull Request metadata
Last synced: 8 days ago
Package metadata
- Total packages: 1
Total downloads:
- npm: 65 last-month
- Total dependent packages: 1
- Total dependent repositories: 1
- Total versions: 148
- Total maintainers: 1 gancio
A shared agenda for local communities
- Homepage:
- Licenses: AGPL-3.0
- Latest release: 1.6.13 (published over 1 year ago)
- Last Synced: 2024-12-14T03:07:58.529Z (13 days ago)
- Versions: 148
- Dependent Packages: 1
- Dependent Repositories: 1
- Downloads: 65 Last month
- Forks count: 5.262%
- Stargazers count: 6.853%
- Downloads: 7.728%
- Average: 10.324%
- Dependent repos count: 10.702%
- Dependent packages count: 21.076%
- Maintainers (1)
- node 16-slim build
- nodejs-base latest build
- cisti/gancio latest
- cisti/gancio latest
- mariadb latest
- mediagis/nominatim 4.2
- cisti/gancio latest
- postgres latest
- cisti/gancio latest
- @nuxtjs/vuetify ^1.12.3 development
- jest ^29.3.1 development
- jest-environment-node ^29.3.1 development
- prettier ^2.8.1 development
- pug ^3.0.2 development
- pug-plain-loader ^1.1.0 development
- sass ^1.56.2 development
- sequelize-cli ^6.3.0 development
- supertest ^6.3.3 development
- webpack 4 development
- webpack-cli ^4.10.0 development
- @mdi/js ^7.1.96
- @nuxtjs/auth ^4.9.1
- @nuxtjs/axios ^5.13.5
- @nuxtjs/i18n ^7.3.0
- @nuxtjs/sitemap ^2.4.0
- accept-language ^3.0.18
- axios ^0.27.2
- bcryptjs ^2.4.3
- body-parser ^1.20.0
- cookie-parser ^1.4.6
- cookie-session ^2.0.0
- cors ^2.8.5
- dayjs ^1.11.7
- dompurify ^2.4.1
- email-templates ^10.0.1
- express ^4.18.1
- http-signature ^1.3.6
- https-proxy-agent ^5.0.1
- ical.js ^1.5.0
- ics ^2.40.0
- jsdom ^20.0.2
- jsonwebtoken ^8.5.1
- leaflet ^1.9.2
- linkify-html ^4.0.2
- linkifyjs 4.0.2
- lodash ^4.17.21
- mariadb ^3.0.1
- microformat-node ^2.0.1
- minify-css-string ^1.0.0
- mkdirp ^1.0.4
- multer ^1.4.5-lts.1
- mysql2 ^2.3.3
- nuxt-edge 2.16.0-27720022.54e852f
- oauth2orize ^1.11.1
- passport ^0.6.0
- passport-anonymous ^1.0.1
- passport-custom ^1.1.1
- passport-http ^0.3.0
- passport-http-bearer ^1.0.1
- passport-oauth2-client-password ^0.1.2
- passport-oauth2-client-public ^0.0.1
- pg ^8.8.0
- sequelize ^6.27.0
- sequelize-slugify ^1.6.2
- sharp ^0.27.2
- sqlite3 ^5.1.4
- telegraf ^4.9.1
- tiptap ^1.32.0
- tiptap-extensions ^1.35.0
- umzug ^2.3.0
- v-calendar ^2.4.1
- vue2-leaflet ^2.7.1
- vuetify 2.6.13
- winston ^3.8.2
- winston-daily-rotate-file ^4.7.1
- yargs ^17.5.0
- @sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte ^1.0.4 development
- svelte ^3.50.0 development
- vite ^3.0.9 development
- @esbuild/linux-loong64 0.14.54
- @rollup/pluginutils 4.2.1
- @sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte 1.0.4
- debug 4.3.4
- deepmerge 4.2.2
- esbuild 0.14.54
- esbuild-android-64 0.14.54
- esbuild-android-arm64 0.14.54
- esbuild-darwin-64 0.14.54
- esbuild-darwin-arm64 0.14.54
- esbuild-freebsd-64 0.14.54
- esbuild-freebsd-arm64 0.14.54
- esbuild-linux-32 0.14.54
- esbuild-linux-64 0.14.54
- esbuild-linux-arm 0.14.54
- esbuild-linux-arm64 0.14.54
- esbuild-linux-mips64le 0.14.54
- esbuild-linux-ppc64le 0.14.54
- esbuild-linux-riscv64 0.14.54
- esbuild-linux-s390x 0.14.54
- esbuild-netbsd-64 0.14.54
- esbuild-openbsd-64 0.14.54
- esbuild-sunos-64 0.14.54
- esbuild-windows-32 0.14.54
- esbuild-windows-64 0.14.54
- esbuild-windows-arm64 0.14.54
- estree-walker 2.0.2
- fsevents 2.3.2
- function-bind 1.1.1
- has 1.0.3
- is-core-module 2.10.0
- kleur 4.1.5
- magic-string 0.26.3
- ms 2.1.2
- nanoid 3.3.4
- path-parse 1.0.7
- picocolors 1.0.0
- picomatch 2.3.1
- postcss 8.4.16
- resolve 1.22.1
- rollup 2.77.3
- source-map-js 1.0.2
- sourcemap-codec 1.4.8
- supports-preserve-symlinks-flag 1.0.0
- svelte 3.50.0
- svelte-hmr 0.14.12
- vite 3.0.9
- 1708 dependencies
- jekyll-default-layout >= 0 development
- jekyll-feed >= 0 development
- jemoji >= 0 development
- premonition >= 0 development
- jekyll >= 0
- just-the-docs >= 0
- mini_magick >= 0
- tzinfo ~> 1.2
- tzinfo-data >= 0
- webrick ~> 1.7
- activesupport
- addressable 2.8.0
- colorator 1.1.0
- concurrent-ruby 1.1.10
- em-websocket 0.5.3
- eventmachine 1.2.7
- ffi 1.15.5
- forwardable-extended 2.6.0
- gemoji 3.0.1
- html-pipeline 2.14.2
- http_parser.rb 0.8.0
- i18n 1.12.0
- jekyll 4.2.2
- jekyll-default-layout 0.1.5
- jekyll-feed 0.16.0
- jekyll-sass-converter 2.2.0
- jekyll-seo-tag 2.8.0
- jekyll-watch 2.2.1
- jemoji 0.12.0
- just-the-docs 0.3.3
- kramdown 2.4.0
- kramdown-parser-gfm 1.1.0
- liquid 4.0.3
- listen 3.7.1
- mercenary 0.4.0
- mini_magick 4.11.0
- mini_portile2 2.8.0
- minitest 5.16.2
- nokogiri 1.13.8
- pathutil 0.16.2
- premonition 4.0.2
- public_suffix 4.0.7
- racc 1.6.0
- rake 13.0.6
- rb-fsevent 0.11.1
- rb-inotify 0.10.1
- rexml 3.2.5
- rouge 3.30.0
- safe_yaml 1.0.5
- sassc 2.4.0
- terminal-table 2.0.0
- thread_safe 0.3.6
- tzinfo 1.2.10
- tzinfo-data 1.2022.1
- unicode-display_width 1.8.0
- wdm 0.1.1
- webrick 1.7.0
- zeitwerk 2.6.0